PEN NAME; KELLY JUUZ [ salient prolific author in the world of arts and beyond ]
The world is so full of surprises
That secrets don't stay secrets
You will believe with me that, one no longer apologize for travesty of justice. From my experiences, I've come to know that" trust is a double-edged sword" . when you trust someone , two things must result out it ... Which either betrayal or devotedness/continuous loyalty.
Everyone is born with a great destiny that I say is "Desideratum". That's is to say ; your destiny is highly needed and wanted by people around us.
And it is time you, " destinies are troublesome things" , that needs a pure-hearted and patience meek soul to handle it, so that it comes to manifestation thereby fulfilling your purpose of existence.
For God assured us, His children ... Victory when He said , " Behold , I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy : and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10:19 KJV).
Fulfilling your purpose of existence in life is been Victorious . Therefore , this victory is sometimes made out of mystery.
So let our victory be known be every age, until the end of time.
"Sometimes choices are easy and some stay with you forever" said an orator while on air. I grabbed that speech for myself , because; sometimes also .... there are positive ideas you need not to speak-out but work it out and that makes you a motivator.
Am a victorious today no matter whatsoever negativity that comes my way... Because I know my creator. I see no impossibility in my endeavors to be a great person. So I beseech all of us to rewind from stunted growth of our success to speedy recovery of our different vital destinies.
It is a factual truth that, " every hero has a dark side" but let your dark-side bear a kind of light of reality.
Your sadness today is only for seconds in time but joy erupts the root of sadness. Always make happiness your vital choice.
You must know that, great things are made from less something ....which is all great struggles demand sacrifices(i.e serve God with the real you).
Let it be known to you ... One with God is majority,
And majority stand the solid rock of authority.
To be victorious in destiny ... You have to be able to discern the friends you keep around and within your source of power and living. Because , Weeds surrounding a crop can kill it entirely or affect its growth badly buh using fertilizers, some crop growing products makes it grow and glowing... And that's positive friends.
You have to bear it in mind ... In every progressive kingdom, there are thwart desperados... Eager to ruin the success of one and another for their selfish reasons.
We are must have heard that, ' what doesn't kill a man ....makes him strong' ... Try to bear the truth in this saying.
For it is ripe time we make ourselves; ' a stepping stone of positivity and creativity'.
Therefore, desert weakness and fear when in pursuit of your destiny; for you are made to be victorious with a great desideratum destiny....
A word is enough for the vital ear.
Thanks for your time.
I pray that God Almighty will strengthen us all....Amen
I still remain KELLY JUUZ
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Or whatsapp : 08027222005

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