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Raped Nation


How the rich has lost its luster,
   the well-to-do become doom!
The sanctity gents are scattered
   at the gates of all peaceful loop.

Even jackals offer their breasts
   to nurse their offspring,
But my people have become unsparing
    like ostriches in the desert crest.

Those who once ate pure delicacies
     are bad destitute in the streets.
Those nurtured in pink and purple
     now lie on dust and ash heaps.

How the precious sons of Nigeria,
   once their weight in silver and gold,
are now measured as pots of clay,
    the work of a potter's hands; clay ?

The punishment of my Nation
   is greater than that of Gomorrah,
which was overthrown in a moment
   without a hand turned to help her.

[A salient prolific author...]
>> 11/07/2017
⊙ 06:56PM